Are you ready to grow your business - stage 5?

Over the last few weeks we’ve been talking about are you ready to grow your business?  I think that most business owners will consider that they are.  However, I’m not sure all truly are ready. 

Over the last month we’ve considered:

·         Who are you customers?

·         Strengths and weaknesses

·         Geography and Pricing

There are 8 steps we take business owners through when they are preparing to grow their business.  Over the last few weeks we’ve covered stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, this week we are looking at stage 5. 

This week we want you to think about what makes your business and your products (goods and/or services) unique.  In particular think about:

  • Do you have a unique selling point?

  • What do you do differently to your competitors?

The type of things this could include are your onboarding process, how you deal with customers and potential customers.  It could also include:

  • Memberships you or your business have

  • Training you and/or your staff have

  • Your passion for your business and the customers you serve

  • The experience the customer gets

  • As a tradesman you might turn up when you promise to turn up. 

Like the exercises we’ve suggested in our previous blogs it can be beneficial to carry out this exercise on a regular basis. As you grow it may be that you want to widen your geographic reach.  Naturally as you grow your business your pricing structure is likely to change.  You also may find out more information about the pricing of your competitors. 

Taking 15 minutes to carry out this exercise on a regular basis will take you one step closer to being ready to grow your business.  

Book a call to let us know how you got on when you completed this exercise. 

Download your copy of a guide to go through this exercise here.

Shiona Campbell